Ben Brooks on coaching, trust, the art of management & entrepreneurship

Years ago, Ben wrote that his personal mission statement was “to help people reach their full potential” and our conversation touches on this theme in many different ways.  Ben is a former car rental pro turned consultant turned HR executive. His work in HR landed him on the cover of Human Resource Executive. It’s pretty … Read More

Screw The Cubicle With A Side Of Pineapple (Lydia Lee)

Lydia Lee was a self-described “multi-potentialite” growing up and loves to experiment and play games growing up.  You can probably draw a straight line from her hosting television shows for the stuffed animals in her room to her current YouTube channel Screw The Cubicle TV.  However, life is never that simple. In University Lydia was … Read More

“My Name Is Nemo and I Don’t Do Small Talk”

Nemo Ashong’s bold vision is “a truly inclusive and empowered world”  He helps people to be fully expressed and to be more authentic, be more unique and be more powerful. He grew up outside of Camden, NJ and often struggled with his identity growing up as a first-generation African-American: “I wasn’t quite African and I wasn’t … Read More

Boundless Podcast: Romy Rost on leadership, freelancing & coaching as a skill (Episode 13)

 Listen Now: Itunes • Stitcher • Google Play • Overcast • Spotify Romy is an employee engagement consultant turned coach. She built her career consulting for and working in Fortune 100 companies on all challenges employee-related. Her mission is to drive meaningful and behavior-based change for mid-level leaders that helps them operate in a more productive and human way in the workplace. There … Read More