Shayne Spencer on the “dumb idea project” and how failing econ helped him start his firm

Listen => Itunes • Stitcher • Google Play • Overcast • Spotify While Shayne has built a successful marketing consulting firm, there was no “plan” to do this.  His first exposure to marketing was out of necessity – his professor let students boost their low economics grades by joining the marketing group he ran.  Shayne quickly applied the lessons to his DJ gigs on … Read More

Boundless Podcast – Stephen Warley on the biggest shift since the industrial revolution (Episode 19)

“Work as you know it is currently changing in fundamental ways that we have not seen since the industrial revolution”  Subscribe: Itunes • Stitcher • Google Play • Overcast • Spotify Stephen has been self-employed for more than 18 years.  At first, it was by accident.  He referred to himself as a “reluctant freelancer.”  We talk about how that mindset evolved into one … Read More