Connor Gillivan on entrepreneurship, selling on Amazon and working with freelancers (Episode 15)

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Connor’s path as an entrepreneur began when he was in college via an AIM chat with a classmate in one of his classes.  What started as a textbook e-commerce business led him to build a sizeable business selling things on  Through his work on that, he ended up working with many freelancers across the globe on a variety of different projects.  Realizing that he had developed skills in recruiting and working effectively with freelancers led him to start where he vets the best freelancers in the world and helps companies tap into this global talent pool.

Connor Gillivan is currently a Founder and Owner of He was an Owner of, which he helped scale and was acquired in 2019. Connor is an expert in hiring and scaling with virtual assistants and shares his business insights on his own blog, He currently lives in Denver, Colorado.

Podcast Recommendation: Marketing School with Neil Patel and Eric Siu

Connect With Connor: Contact Connor