Alastair Humphreys on microadventures, long-term travel and busking his way through Europe

I talked to Alastair Humphreys after he had returned the previous night from a micro-adventure. It wasn’t a four year biking trip or a challenging long walk across the desert (he’s done that though!), but instead a short overnight camping trip with himself to re-connect with nature and his adventurous spirit. He helps others think about how they can design similar micro-adventures to find joy in the “5 to 9” rather than doing everything in service of the 9 to 5.

Alastair Humphreys is a British Adventurer and Author. He has been on expeditions all around the world, travelling through over 80 countries by bicycle, boat and on foot. He was named as one of National Geographic’s Adventurers of the year for 2012.

More recently Alastair has walked across southern India, rowed across the Atlantic Ocean, run six marathons through the Sahara desert, completed a crossing of Iceland, busked through Spain and participated in an expedition in the Arctic, close to the magnetic North Pole. He has trekked 1000 miles across the Empty Quarter desert and 120 miles round the M25 – one of his pioneering microadventures. He was named as one of National Geographic’s Adventurers of the year for 2012.

We talked about:

  • His path after University
  • Redefining success two years into a four year bike ride
  • Walking across the desert
  • Finding joy in “miro-adventures”
  • His creative process
  • His aspirations for his kids adventures

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